Solutions Just for You

Every now and again, a client has a specialized need that our current offerings do not directly answer. When this happens, we often can create a custom solution. 

Glimpse at a Few Past Projects 

  • Developed two online courses for a physical security company with employees based nationwide. 
  • Created a three month communication strategy and content for an organization experiencing a “right-sizing” event.
  • Partnered with SharePoint admin to design a Leadership Development hub for two companies from different industries. 
  • Updated an organization’s in-house training materials from death by bullet point PowerPoint presentations to more relevant, interactive and engaging content. 
  • For that same organization, trained in-house trainers to up level their Instructor Led Trainings and also how to deliver Virtual Instructor Led Trainings.
  • Revamped and streamlined onboarding processes for multiple organizations custom to their budget and growth strategy.
  • Worked with Leadership and Marketing teams to develop an internal brand recognition and communication strategy after multiple acquisitions so that all employees felt included. 

Connect with us to discuss your program. we’ve had an opportunity to learn more about your goals and objectives, we can let you know if we can successfully complete