How do you define success?
Don't wait to stumble across success
Are you a naturally inspiring leader? Do you inspire those around you to WANT to work with you? To excel? If we asked your co-workers, what would they say? Understanding leadership in the workplace involves many facets of human interaction.
Notes: We want to explain the challenges people in the workplace face today & how we have a process created by Tiffany Edgar for solving them. The same challenges individuals and organizations have always faced still exist today, but they are exacerbated by several factors, more generations working side by side than ever before, a global pandemic, an entirely brand new work environment, etc. The formula and principles taught by The Humanity Approach. They work. Individuals and corporations alike have been shocked by the results they saw. They have worked in these examples… Not too much information about how it works or else people will feel they know enough to make a decision. We need to intrigue them, keep them reading.
This section is probably about as long as we would want it to be. No more than this many words.
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Download the book? Free Trial? Free initial consult?
The single biggest way to impact an organization is to focus on leadership development. There is almost no limit to the potential of an organization that recruits good people, raises them up as leaders and continually develops them.
Tiffany Edgar
This section should have links to more information that may convince them. A discussion about Tiffany Edgar’s accomplishments and skills would be good, with links to media, the about page, and her education and credentials. Did you know Tiffany Edgar’s courses and information are so impressive she has been all over the news, check it out.
She has written books that have sold a ton. Tiffany is a recognized expert in the field and thought leader in the space. Gonna put some more text here for the visual

What will happen to you
Improving your ability to work with others isn’t something limited to the workplace. The impact of what you learn from The Humanity Approach will spread across all areas of your life. Happiness everywhere.
This section should probably include a call to action. A link instead of a button would probably flow better with the design.
What will happen to your organization
The importance of a healthy workplace culture cannot be overstated. There are tons of places online that we can pull stats about performance of companies with a healthy corporate culture.
Retention of employees is a huge cost saver.

Maybe not a bad place to split out individuals and orgs
Here would be a good place to separate the individuals from the organizations. I think talking a bit about how the program works, what options they have, including online learning. What will the carrot be for individuals?
Maybe a bit deeper on some specific challenges the workforce need to deal with. Could there be a whole top level nav section dedicated to the challenges businesses face? Generational progression over time and it’s impact on corporate culture? We can put links throughout this text to send people to specific info that
Offerings for organizations
Here would be a good place to separate the individuals from the organizations. I think talking a bit about how the program works, what options they have, including online learning. What will the carrot be for individuals?
Maybe a bit deeper on some specific challenges the workforce need to deal with. Could there be a whole top level nav section dedicated to the challenges businesses face? Generational progression over time and it’s impact on corporate culture? We can put links throughout this text to send people to specific info that
One final CTA
They have made it this far, let's get their email Here.

What will happen to you
Improving your ability to work with others isn’t something limited to the workplace. The impact of what you learn from The Humanity Approach will spread across all areas of your life. Happiness everywhere.
This section should probably include a call to action. A link instead of a button would probably flow better with the design.
What will happen to your organization
The importance of a healthy workplace culture cannot be overstated. There are tons of places online that we can pull stats about performance of companies with a healthy corporate culture.
Retention of employees is a huge cost saver.